Lao Junior People’s Revolutionary’s Union 14/04/1955-14/04/2024; International Labour’s Day01/05/1886-01/05/2024; International Children and National Planting’s Day 01/06/1950-01/06/2024 ; Laos Doctors Day 18/06/1965-18/06/1965 LAO ENG   
Training course on Strengthening Food Safety Standard Setting and Effective Participation in Codex activities in Lao PDR
Posted By: ສຸກສົມຄວນ ຈັນທະມາດ, Date: 28/06/2016


   On 24-29th June 2016, the Food and Drug Department and Food joining the Agriculture Organization (FAO) organized a training course on Strengthening Food Safety Standard Setting and Effective Participation in Codex activities in Lao PDR.  The main propose is to enhance capacity for food safety standards setting including to Codex standards work.

The training coursed was opened by the Deputy Director General of the Food and Drug Department, Dr. Sivong  Sengaloundeth and attended by 23 participants from different departments responsible for food safety control specifically with regard to standard development and implementation attended such as: the Food and Drug Department (FDD) MoH, the Department of Standard and Methodology, Ministry of Science and Technology; Department Domestic Trade, Ministry of Industry and Trade; Department of Fishery , Department of Plantation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; University of  Health and Science; Food and Drug Quality Control Center; Burau of Food and Drug Inspection (BFDI).

The training course were provided knowledge and experiences of many topics relating Codex work such as: structure of Codex, functions of Codex Alimentarius Commission in relation of SPS/TBT Agreements and elaboration of Codex standards by experts;

The expected outputs of the training are: enhanced understanding of the structure and function if Codex Alimentarius Commission in relation to SPS/TBT Agreements and elaboration of Codex standards; Enhanced knowledge of the basic concept of Codex risk analysis framework and its link to standard development and data collection and utilization; Enhanced understanding of strengthened National Codex Contac Committee;  Enhance knowledge about effective participation in Codex activities; and draft road map for improving standard development activities and strengthening Codex in Laos.



  ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Association of Southeast Asian Nations - ASEAN ຄະນະສະເພາະກິດ COVID-19 ສປປ ລາວ. Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria World Food Programme World Food Programme The World Bank  Ministry of Health Lao PDR.  United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime World Health Organization: WHO  Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency: SIDA