Lao PDR Covid-19 Response Project (Covid-19 Project-WB) is the project under the management of the Ministry of Health (MOH), received financing loan from the World Bank Group. The Project Coordination Office (PCO) is located at Department of Planning and Cooperation of MoH. The project Development Objective (PDO) is to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and strengthen national systems for public health emergency preparedness in Lao PDR, nationwide coverage area. It received initial financing amount US$ 18 million to rapid response to the outbreak, would receive an additional financing of US$10 million for Covid-19 vaccine deployment. US$2 million grant for to Strengthen Health Facility and Lifeline Infrastructure for HEPR and US$3 million grant for vaccine deployment. The life span of the project is between 10 April 2020 to 31 December 2023. The project has completed preparing the Environmental and Social tools for the Additional Financing such as the Stake Holder Engagement Plan, Environmental and Social Management Framework and Environmental and Social Commitment Plan. These ES tools will serve as a blueprint for the project implementation. The brief information of the project can be requested at the NPCO or through the following platform: Phone +856 20 55 989 225, email: [email protected]; facebook page: Center for Information and Education for Health; or click on below link to download the documents.
Additional Financing Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) 2-6-21
Additional Financing Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) (1)2-6-21
Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Lao PDR COVID-19 Response Project (P173817) (1)2-6-21